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Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who wear garments endure a silent transition from regular underclothes to the sacred, symbolic garment upon making covenants in the temple. There is a huge difference between the spirituality and the practicality of wearing the garment and we seldom hear frank conversations about the reality of the transition. Listen to three of our Cultural Hall ladies discuss the difficulties of their transition to wearing garments and where they are on their journeys to finding balance in spirituality and practicality.


  • Tyler Holmquist says:

    Loved the episode this week. I am a lifer with pioneer stalk. A comment on wearing 4 layers of clothing. I where 3 layers all year as a guy. I feel the pain of just Joni. It gets really hot durning the summer and a little durning the winter as well. Keep up the show in podcast form.


  • sar says:

    Thought it was ironic that in the middle of all this complaining about garments, Janae throws in that some women who complain are just doing it because they really want to wear tank tops.

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