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LDS Missionaries


Freetown (New LDS Movie) Trailer

In 1989, Charles Taylor’s rebel group—The National Patriotic Front of Liberia—launched an insurrection against then leader, Samuel Doe. By the following year, Taylor’s rebels had taken control of most of the country and killed Doe. More than 200,000 people died…
Richie T
October 20, 2014

Letters From the Field-Sis Tobias #40

Woah!  What a week!  I'll just blurt out what happened over the weekend super quickly because I am so excited about it. :) :) :) OKAY.  So one-eyed, one-leg Randy is THE MOST ADORABLE person to teach!!  Ah!  He loves…
Richie T
June 11, 2013

Letters From the Field-Sis Tobias #34

I feel silly every email I send because I always start them off by saying, "This week was SUCH an AWESOME week!!"  I feel really uncreative in thinking of other words...Miraculous, Splendid, exciting, a little disappointing, spiritual, and joyful...  That…
Richie T
April 28, 2013

Letters From the Field-Sis Tobias #24

Hello my little whippersnapper friends! :) This week was a little slower because of the freezing coldness, but lots of good news happened!  I know it's super lame to talk about the WEATHER in a missionary email when there are…
Richie T
February 9, 2013