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“On June 1, 2007, at 8 a.m., Michael Birkeland blearily opened his eyes to a clear blue sky. He was lying naked in a field in Orem, his clothes scattered around him, his car a few yards away, the engine still running.”-City Weekly. Listen in his own words as Michael B. tells his rise and fall from fame and faith and the tough journey back from excommunication.


**Warning** This podcast contains  “Telestial Swears”

We’ll be saving a seat for ya

Richie T and Ashley

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  • Gdub says:

    Wow, that was incredibly inspirational and honest. Thank you so much for sharing that!

  • dan murphy says:

    Very compelling story. Thanks for sharing, Michael B.
    Also, good choice to leave the swears in. No need to censor…plus, if you had bleeped them I would have assumed he had said something worse.

  • Tuckabee says:

    I appreciate this interview so much. He is the most normal and down to earth Mormon you’ve interviewed yet. It has been hard sometimes listening to some of your guests and their perfect lives. Michael B was like a breathe of fresh air! Thanks!

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