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Free BYU
Our mission is to promote freedom of thought and freedom of religion at BYU.  Specifically, we ask that the Honor Code be updated to allow LDS students to change their personal religious beliefs without being expelled from the University and evicted from their housing.

Is there a problem?
Under BYU’s existing policies, LDS students who change their personal beliefs about God are expelled from school, evicted from their homes, and fired from their jobs¹.  There is no similar policy for non-LDS students at BYU: a Catholic may convert to Mormonism, but a Mormon may not convert to Catholicism.

This policy creates a coercive environment in which LDS students cannot honestly evaluate their personal faith without risking severe disruption to their lives.

As parents, students, professors, and alumni of BYU, we feel that this policy is at odds with the principles of religious freedom espoused by both the University and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


EMILY BELLE FREEMAN is a coach’s wife, a mother to four children and a few others who have found refuge in her home, author of several bestselling books, and sought-after inspirational speaker. Her days are spent watching over teenagers, her flock of pampered chickens, and a rabbit that she adores. She finds great joy in studying the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Her deep love of the scriptures comes from a desire to find their application in everyday life. For a few minutes every day Emily forgets about the laundry, leaves the dishes in the sink, and writes. She coauthors a blog that is a stopping place for hearts seeking all that is good: www.

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