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Nadia Khristean is a public speaker, co-founder of the Daddy Come Home foundation, a BYU student studying commercial music, and a singer/songwriter who writes music for causes such as anti-bullying, women & inner beauty, families of fallen soldiers, adopted special needs children and most recently addiction recovery.
Having seen the suffering of those going through addiction in her own family and in those she met while serving an LDS mission in Peru, Nadia knows the powerful impact of the LDS church’s 12 step program. So she teamed up with Colby Ferrin, a returned missionary with several hit videos, who’s all about sending out positive messages through the media. They wrote a song and shot an inspiring music video, with the message “I can hit undo.” The video is about second chances within addiction recovery and they hope for it to reach out to any person who may be suffering through addiction or family members who are struggling with loved ones who may be passing through these kinds of trials. They send the clear message to viewers that you can hit undo, second chances do exist, and you can change.
The making of the video became a very humbling and special experience. Nadia had the opportunity to attend a few addiction recovery meetings and invite anyone who would like to share their story to be a part of this video. Therefore all the participants in this video are recovering addicts, and their stories are real.
Nadia says that “Meeting these incredible individuals was an amazing experience, I look up to them for taking the initiative to change and finding strength to do it. None of us are perfect, we are all human, so when we choose to share our story, we inspire others to become something greater. We may not know what kind of impact our story may have, but our deepest experiences could save someone’s life.”
Nadia and Colby would like the message to reach as many as possible to bring hope and comfort in any small way.

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